Seven Sentences for Sunday 3/27/16: She Has Risen Edition

  1. I forgot to blog this week because I was so busy digging through paperwork for our mortgage broker and the underwriter who are doing their damnedest to help us get the house we love. We’re close.
  2. I am down another 2 pounds and I felt both of them because I have been bouncing around the same 3-4 pounds. It’s nice to have landed low.
  3. Paisley is guest writing for a sentence: I LOVE CHOCOLATE!!!!
  4. And now Jolie is taking her turn: I can’t drown my demons; they know how to swim.
  5. Clearly Jolie is neck deep in angsty preteendom and she made me promise not to ask her any questions about it but she did tell me that it was a quote she found that resonated with her.
  6. And not to be outdone, Rhett would also like a turn: I WILL SMASH THINGS!!!
  7. I’ve left my tomb unattended and I am risen again like a mofo.


I love you all, some more than others.

Oh, Fine, I’ll Keep Keepin’ On

Last week I came clean and discussed my struggles with my weight. While I don’t intend for this to become a weight loss blog per se, I am going to use it to document my journey and all the ups and downs along the way. And this week there were ups. I gained 0.8 pounds at my weigh-in this week and I was dismayed to say the least. I wanted to reach for the nearest box of Tagalongs or Samoas that I have thus far resisted because, fuck it, if I’m gonna gain, I at least want a reason! My meeting coach did a good job of talking me down, and I sat down for the meeting frustrated and vowing to go even lower on my points this week. Continue reading

A Weighty Issue

It’s no secret to those who have grown up with me that I’ve always struggled with my weight. Both my parents have weight problems and the apple does not fall far from that tree in this house. I was never the skinny cheerleader—my soccer thighs precluded me from splits and handsprings. In my adult years, back to back to back pregnancies took their toll as three little ones entered my life. After my youngest was born, I was bound and determined to lose the baby weight once and for all and found great success with Drs. Chris and Kara Mohr with their nutrition wisdom and kickass fitness bootcamps. I shed my baby weight and then some and weighed less than I did in 8th grade. And then my divorce happened. And after that a mental breakdown. Six years later, multiple medication changes for meds that are known to pack on the pounds, and here I am 100, yes that’s triple digits, 100 pounds heavier than I weighed when I was boot camping and crossfitting and paleo-ing my life away. Continue reading